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57 如何安排EB1A与EB2NIW申请顺序

近来,由于美国移民局对EB1A杰出人才申请新设“最终优点判定”,许多计划通过EB1A申请解决绿卡身份问题的中国学生学者产生忧虑并犹豫不决。不知道是否应该继续等待自己发表更多文章,具备更多审稿经验 和更多支持EB1A证据之后再提交绿卡申请。所以我们律师师事务所接到许多询问,并希望我们帮助决策。


1. EB1A申请重点在于证据准备

由于EB1A没有排期之忧,所以该类申请在“质” 而不在 “速”。 因此,在决定是否递交EB1A之前,应该聘请专业和有经验律师进行评估。

律师评估的意见是根据该律师事务所得证据准备经验和成功案例而产生。不同律师事务所评估意见很可能不同。 当收到不同的律师评估意见时, 没有必要感觉疑惑,而应该询问不同律师意见的根据。

目前情况下,发表文章多,独立引用文在150 以上的EB1A 申请人表现的更有信心, 因为网上公布的许多 EB1A 批准案例属于这类发表文章多,引用文多的案例。 所以甚至目前有一种说法,认为具备这些证据的绿卡申请人完全可以不需要律师帮助,自己递交。 这是不是说明移民官对所有发表文章多,引用文多的EB1A申请一律批准呢? 我们最近得到的信息是并非如此。 一些没有律师帮助的EB1A 申请收到移民局RFE, NOID,甚至否决通知,并说明发表的文章和引用文的数字并不能满足 “最终优点判定”的要求。



我们律师事务所长期经验说明,EB2NIW 尽管在有排期的情况下, 仍然是一个非常有利的绿卡申请方式。

首先,由于留学生和学者的年轻化, 越来越多的人在非常年轻的时候已经获得硕士学位,发表了一些文章和会议讲演,并有了10篇至20篇的引用文章。同时,这类申请人多数正在大学重要的美国国家支持的研究项目中作领先研究。

这些留学生和学者中许多人是符合EB2 NIW, 【国家利益豁免】的条件的。 对这类留学生和学者最有利的申请美国绿卡方式是 EB2NIW.

“这要等排期,太慢了!”几乎每个人都这样说,这样想。 我们就来分析申请绿卡的快与慢。

我们说EB1A 快,是指这一类别的绝对申请速度。 即从递交申请到批准和获得绿卡的时间。 但是从相对速度上来说, 该类别不一定比EB2NIW快到哪里。

根据众多学术界的客户反映,在专业刊物上,特别是规格高的专业刊物上发表一篇文章, 快则需要4 到 6个月, 很多需要更长的时间。 而已经发表的文章如果得到 150 以上的引用文通常需要2 至3年的时间,在一些专业直至再长时间也不能达到这个引用标准。

我们假设一位博士后申请人在 2011年1月1日已经有了硕士,或博士学位,发表了7篇左右的专业刊物和会议文章,有大约10-20篇引用文,并在大学做研究。 这时,他已经可以申请 EB2NIW. 如果他果断地递交EB2NIW申请而且排期正常前进,他可能需要等待 4年或者稍长一些时间才能获得绿卡。

但是如果他一心只想申请EB1A,他需要发表很多文章。假设他决定多发表10篇文章, 平均4个月发表一篇, 这是 大约 40 个月,此为3年零4个月。他还需要大约140篇引用文,这不但需要时间,还要看专业热门程度。 最有风险的是他不可能掌握引用文的数量。 所以,如果他幸运, 4至5年之后是否可以开始申请 EB1A 尚且是一个未定之数。

因此,宏观而论, EB2NIW在相对速度上不一定慢。

加之,EB2NIW还给申请人带来许多利益。比如,可以在申请期间转换雇主,只要新的工作在本专业领域并为国家利益服务; 比如H1B持有人凭借EB2NIW批准书在等待排期期间可以无限延长 H1B; 等等。

我们由此建议,安排EB1A 和EB2NIW的申请顺序时,最好是尽早提交EB2NIW 申请,以早建排期日。 而EB1A则需要在证据充分之后再提交申请。

我们最近帮助许多发表文章有限,引用次数不多的博士后成功申请EB2NIW 【国家利益豁免】,以下是一个案例介绍。

We Helped a Postdoctoral Researcher Get His Entire Family Greed Cards in 3 Months and 5 days!

Recently, our law firm helped a postdoctoral researcher get his EB2NIW and Applications for Adjustment of Status of all the members of the family approved in 3 months and 5 days. The client’s applications were filed to CIS Texas Service Center on August 4, 2010, and the client received the CIS approval notices of both I-140 and I-485 on November 9, 2010.

The client is a postdoctoral researcher at a U.S. research institute. We helped him prepare and file documents under the category of EB2NIW. The client is doing research in the area of food processing and safety focused on the development of novel methods for ultrasound processing unit and ultrasound technologies for the inactivation of E. coli. Based on his exceptional research accomplishments, we presented strong and convincing legal arguments that he has played a critical role in several leading edge food research projects supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and another US research agency. He published 8 first author and co-author scientific papers in highly regarded professional journals which have been referenced and cited 23 times by other independent scientists from around the world, including Spain, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United States, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Thailand, Japan, Iceland, India and Brazil. Additionally, he made 13 presentations on his significant research findings at leading international conferences. To make his EB2NIW application stronger, we applied our successful evidence preparation method to document alternative supporting evidences to support the EB2 NIW application. Additionally, we have meticulously prepared well-drafted expert opinion letters in the field of the client’s research, and documented evidences of journal publications, conference presentations, and others.

After our thorough preparation of his EB2NIW documents, we filed our application to CIS TSC Service Center. Recently, CIS TSC Service Center has announced a 4-month processing time required for EB2NIW applications. Nevertheless, the EB2NIW application prepared and filed by our law firm on August 4, 2010 was approved by CIS TSC Service Center in 3 months and 5 days. The client 【born in Korea】and his family received CIS approval notices (both I-140 and I-485) on November 9, 2010. Such prompt adjudication rendered by the CIS TSC Adjudication Officer clearly demonstrated that this case was well-organized and prepared, which is very important for successful case results. Additionally, this case, again, shows that the evidence preparation methods specifically developed by our law firm for EB2NIA applications are highly useful and successful.

We hope this newsletter provides you valuable information to help your green card application. If you are interested in finding out whether you are qualified to apply for a self-petitioned immigration visa application, we can help you with a complimentary evaluation.

回顾过去15年移民局对EB1A, EB1B, EB2NIW 的审理趋势,我们清楚地看到移民局对证据审查日趋严格。

长期以来,我们律师事务所在帮助客户准备和申请EB1A, EB1B, EB2NIW 类别的职业移民案领域获得了巨大成功。



Alice H. Sun (Member of American Immigration Lawyers Association)
Law Offices of Sun
12121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 481-6118
Fax: (310) 481-6117 or








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